
Update Governmental Support Measures

July 23, 2020

Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis last March, the Alliance has lobbied successfully the federal as well as the different regional governments for clear and maximum financial supporting measurements for the events industry.

A new very important support measure, we achieved to obtain from the Flemish government is ‘a guarantee fund for advance payments in our industry’ has been approved and voted last Friday. More details can be read here: Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering tot instellen van een terugbetaalbaar voorschot ter ondersteuning van de opstart van de evenementensector and Nota aan de Vlaamse Regering betreffende COVID-19 –terugbetaalbaar voorschot ter ondersteuning van de opstart van de evenementensector. Even if after today’s announcement the timing may seem not ideal (less perspective due to the negative covid-19 numbers), we believe this is a very good measurement and are hoping to extend this in 2021 and off course bring this to a national level as well.